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You’re the Healer: Code Coach 2

You’re the Healer

October 7 – October 9 2016

You will need to be here and ready to go by 9:00 am October 7 and leave no earlier than 6:00 pm October 9

limited to 12 unless I find a different place to have the class

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This three-day class in Sedona is an experiment.

This class will ultimately be part of the Code Coach Certification, but you do not have to take the Code Coach Level I to take this class.

To be certified as a Code Coach you will need to take the Level I Code Coach Training.

The experiment is seeing whether taking the class without doing Code Coach Level I works well. If it does, people who are not interested in being a Code Coach but are interested in developing their skills as a healing facilitator will be able to take this class.

We will discuss and explore:

  1.  Muscle testing & dousing
  2. Working with pain and discomfort in the body
  3. Working with and balancing causes of dis-ease
  4. Establishing your healing sanctuary in the back of your heart center
  5. The interrelationship between the body and the energy field
  6. Working with a Soul Contract
  7. Healing the “spaces in between”

This class will be a combination of lecture, channeling and hands-on work.

The offering of appreciation for this class is $497. Food, lodging and travel are on your own.

To purchase You’re the Healer please click on the buy button to the right. ÂÂ