Power and Protection ?
Any Heart-Centered Individual Can Receive It
Transmutes Low Vibration Energy
Change the Vibration by Changing the Color
Combine The Sword with The Heart Source

The Heart Source activates your Heart Brain inter-dimensionally. When you are in your Heart Source you will be better able to identify Truth in spoken and written word.
Your Heart Source also acts as a protective energy as well as a interacting with your chakras to raise your vibration.

How would you like to say a few simple words and become THE SWORD? You’ll learn how on October 27 & 28, 2017.
The Sword ?
Zaps congested energy in your body
Clear energy in rooms, buildings and open spaces
Use color for pin-point accuracy
How to help according to the Law of Permissions

Learn to Use The Sword of Michael the Archangel to Heal and Change You and the World
We begin with a message from Archangel Michael as well as an Encodement Intensive to balance your energy to The Sword
Archangel Michael Introduces you to The Sword and faciitates an Attunement to The Sword
You will practice ways to use The Sword on yourself and in the world
Discover the power of color when using The Sword.
Learn how to use the chakras and Sacred Geometry associated with the chakras
NEW INFORMATION: How to clear the double helix of the DNA.
5 separate recordings, audio and video
Is it difficult to learn how to use The Sword?
Will there be handouts?
There are also 5 audios and vidios of all 5 sessions.
Who is teaching the workshop?
Do I need any experience in this type of work?