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The Heart Source Easily access your power through your Heart Source. Amma is teaching new information. At least one part of this workshop will be a channeled message from Amma the Divine Mother and will contain new information revealed for the first time.

♦ Protect yourself from negativity
♦ Raise your vibration with joy
♦ Heal Relationships
♦ Heal your Body
♦Time travel
♦ Heal Past Lives
♦ Interplanetary Travel

Encodements Your Smallest Energy Structures
Remove the Limitations of Victim Consciousness

Meet your Encodement Technicians and your Bodysoul. This is a simple and powerful method to change the operating system of your life. You will remove encodements limiting your life.

♦ Improve health
♦ Open pathway to abundance
♦ Remove Victim Consciousness
♦Access personal power
♦ Implant New beliefs
♦ Remove Past Life Influences
♦ Improve health
♦ Access Ascension energies