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Explore the Power of Your Sacred Space

Exploring the Power of Your Sacred Space

Within the back of your Heart Chakra is your personal Sacred Space which allows you to access experiences others dream about.

If you’ve been following the teachings of Amma the Divine Mother, you have visited your Sacred Space.
Now you have the opportunity to access its power:
  • Clear energies interfering with access to your Sacred Space
  • Travel through time
  • Speak to wisdom figures
  • Speak to loved ones on a soul level
  • Evaluate options
  • Explore your body
  • Communicate with All That Is, Love Itself
  • Facilitate Healing within yourself and with others
  • Travel to other planets
  • Contact your Soul Self, guides and healing team
  • Discover the rooms hidden in your Sacred space
  • And much, much more

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Right Now, Go into the Back of your Heart Center into Your Sacred Space

This is simple. Focus on the back of your heart chakra.
The front of your heart chakra is in the center of your chest between your breasts.
The back of your heart chakra is opposite this, in the middle of your upper back.
Imagine you are walking into the back of your heart chakra and go deep within.
Keep moving your awareness deep within until you experience moving into what may seem a large room.
This is your sacred space.

Now ask a “yes” or “no” question. Make it simple.

A few minutes ago I asked if taking a particular writing course was appropriate for me right now.
I really wanted to take this workshop but I got a NO.
The answer, which came from deep within me, didn’t scream at me.
It was a deep inner knowing I couldn’t ignore.
Of course, I could go against this inner knowing, but I usually end up in trouble, or waste time and money, when I do.

Increase Your Intuition by Exploring the Power of Your Sacred Space

Your intuition is the wisdom part of yourself speaking to you.
Everyone has intuition. Some people have an amazing intuition and others wonder where their intuition is.
Everyone is born with certain abilities, some more so than others.
Some have a greater initial connection to their intuition. Everyone can strengthen their intuition.

You’ll learn how to use your personal projection room to evaluate possibilities.
This happened in my personal projection room.
I was asking what was in store for me the next five years.
I went through the exact same process I’m going to take you through.
I asked for three possibilities. One was pretty much the same as my life was then.
Two were really cool. What made the difference. You’ll just have to come and find out. &#x263A

Even more than intuition. Explore the Power of Your Mind.

Your mind is more powerful than you could ever imagine.

We know that the brain and the mind work together but they are not the same thing.
Your mind is not within your brain but it is affected by your brain.
Your mind can create experiences your brain won’t know about until you harness the power of the mind.
Through your Sacred Space, you’ll learn to quiet your chattering mind, explore your body, speak to wisdom figures, and increase your creativity.
You’ll discover how to use your Heart Source to enhance your experience with your Sacred Space. If you don’t know about your Heart Source, you’ll discover how to form this amazing protective and focusing energy.

There will be 5 Sessions

Session 1

Encodement Intensive

Even if you don’t take the full course, you may take this session as a stand-alone. In this Encodement Intensive, we will ask your Healing Team to balance and repair any encodements interfering with your access and use of your Sacred Space.

For those taking the full course, this is a bonus session at no additional charge.

Session 2

Exploring Your Sacred Space

You’ll learn more about the construction of your Sacred Space including the angelic guardian. You’ll also learn how to create new rooms within your sacred space, how to decide where to put rooms, and how flexible your sacred space is.

You will develop the following spaces or rooms: your altar, your personal healing room, your projection room, your doorway to God, your conversation room.
Session 3

Your Altar and Doorway to God

Your altar is the sacred space within your sacred space. You’ll explore ways to use it and how to change it if need be. You’ll also learn how the Heart Source and your altar interact. (Think travel to other worlds and times.) We’ll also do some exercises with your doorway to God.
Session 4

Your Healing Room

You’ll begin to examine some of the tools in your healing room, how you can use your healing room for yourself and others, and how to travel through your body to gain information. I’ll share with you some of the tools within my healing room to give you a few ideas.
Session 5

Your Projection and Conversation Rooms

Your projection room is a wonderful way to gain information about the possibilities of your future due to certain decisions.
You’ll also explore how to use the Conversation Room to speak with wisdom figures in any area of life.

What You’ll Receive

  • An easy method to open up to your other than conscious mind
  • Tried and true methods to communicate with your spiritual support team
  • A powerful way to access the possibilities of decisions you make… and learning why it is possible
  • How to connect with your Bodysoul so you can make better choices for your health and well-being
  • Gaining confidence in your intuition
  • New methods to access your inner wisdom making life easier
  • Recordings to follow along with anytime you want to access the processes taught
  • Transcripts to refer to for quick and easy access


Who Will Benefit?

Anyone who wants to explore Amma’s work and her information on the Sacred Space will enjoy this workshop. Also, if you want to explore your consciousness, the hidden inner wisdom you have within you, you’ll enjoy this class.

Who May Not Need This Workshop

After I began exploring my Sacred Space with Amma the Divine Mother, I was fascinated with the consciousness. I took classes in Mind Scape and listened to Win Wenger’s CDs on exploring consciousness. If you’ve take these or similar workshops you may not need this particular workshop.

Amma the Divine Mother will be teaching the class through me. We will explore the Sacred Space and how the Heart Source can assist, especially in traveling to other lifetimes and worlds. How to access your other than conscious mind will be completely through the Heart Source and your Sacred Space within the back of your heart center.

Time and Dates

Encodement Intensive Saturday October 12 at 8:00 AM Pacific/11:00 AM Eastern

Session 2 Saturday October 19 at 8:00 AM Pacific/11:00 AM Eastern

Session 3 Saturday October 26 at 7:00 AM Pacific/10:00 AM Eastern

Session 4 Saturday November 2 at 8:00 AM Pacific/11:00 AM Eastern

Session 5 Wednesday November 6 at 5:00 PM Pacific/8:00 PM Eastern

Session 6 Wednesday November 13 at 5:00 PM Pacific/8:00 PM Eastern

If you can’t one or more of these sessions, there will be recordings and transcripts.

You Have Two Options

Only the Encodement Intensive

Perhaps you’ve taken similar workshops and aren’t motivated to take this one. BUT, you’d like to use what you know using your Sacred Space.

You could, however, just not be motivated to take the workshop but do want to participate in this Encodement Intensive. I’m delighted to have you for whatever reason.

This Encodement Intensive will clear the energies, beliefs, implants and more affecting your relationship with your Sacred Space.

It’s only $47. You’ll receive the recordings and transcript so you can listen as often as you want. (If you want to take the workshop later, in it’s entirety, you will need to pay full price for the workshop which is $197.)

No worries if you can’t attend live. Everything is recorded and transcribed.

Purchase the Encodement Intensive Now


Encodement Intensive and Workshop

You’ll receive all 5 sessions:
~The Encodement Intensive
~ Exploring Your Sacred Space
~ Your Altar and Doorway to God
~ Your Healing Room
~ Your Projection and Conversation Rooms

The total investment for this is $197.

If you want to take this but need to spread it out more, email me and we’ll work something out.

Purchase Sacred Space Workshop Now