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Personal Healing Intensive for December

An opportunity for 20 people…

Let’s Make December One of Your Most Powerful Months of Healing

butterfly-17057_1920It was several years ago at the Rain Forest exhibit in Houston. With great fascination I observed a butterfly breaking free from its chrysalis. I watched it struggle for more than 10 minutes. (I arrived in the middle of it’s birthing.)

A beautiful butterfly wobbled out and rested. It gently flapped its wings to dry them and strengthen them.

I researched what happened in the metamorphosis process. Did you know the caterpillar becomes “protein soup” before it reorganizes into a butterfly?

There are times when I’m working on healing that I feel like a soupy mess. Am I alone or do you feel that way at times?

Over the last few months, several people have asked me to work with them doing intensive healing. They let me know what they wanted to focus on. I would then do a distance healing session with them but they didn’t even know when I was doing it.

When I finished the session I sent them the report. A week later we repeated the process. They let me know what issues they wanted to work on and I would do the healing work.

The most gratifying part was when I received messages telling me how they had healed.

I thought about how I could make something similar available to more people.

The result is a December of Intensive Healing.

Your Intensive Healing consists of the following:

  1. Two healing sessions, 1 on the phone and 1 using distance healing
  2. 4 Guided Imagery Healing experiences, 1 per week for 4 weeks
  3. 4 Channeled messages from Amma on Unconditional Love, Encodement work included
  4. 9-Day Birth Healing Process

Let me go into greater detail

2 Healing Sessions

One session on the phone. In this 30-minute session we will work together to bring focus to what you want to happen during this month of healing. We will spend up to 15 minutes sharpening your focus. The last 15 minutes will be an Encodement Session where we remove blocks to you accomplishing what you desire.

One distance healing session. In this 30 minute session I will be working with your Healing Team. I will be doing BodyTalk, PSYCH-KTM, Encodements and intuitive healing work. Depending upon the focus, I might even perform some psychic surgery.

4 Guided Imagery Healing Experiences

I have prepared some simple and short (no more than 6 minutes) Guided Imagery Healing Experiences. You will have the option of watching the video or listening to the mp3. At the end of each experience I will be leading you through work with your Healing Team doing Encodement work.

4 Channeled Sessions with Amma… Including Healing

Amma’s messages will be on four aspects of Unconditional Love. I’m not sure what she’ll share, but I do know we will end each session with Encodement work. These will be recorded if you are unable to attend live.

9-Day Birth Healing Process

You began your life with approximately 9 months nestled in your mother’s womb.

You experienced all she experienced. When she was happy and excited, you benefited from the wonderful energies and hormones which resulted from her excitement.

When she was sad or distressed, you experienced those energies.

The Birth Healing Process consists of 9-days in which you are back in time bringing healing to your tiny growing self.

We begin with conception and end with your birth.

Your Birth Healing experience consists of daily videos taking you through the healing experience.

When you finish you will experience yourself as “more you,” more content, happier and healthier.

This is what we will be doing. Are you ready to release blocks which are preventing you from being who you truly are – Love Incarnate?

If so, please register now. You may offer appreciation by Pay Pal, credit card or check (just let me know if sending a check.)

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We both know it’s impossible to put a price tag on the healing you receive.

Here is the 3-Dimensional monetary value:


Your offering of appreciation is only $170.

By the way, I will only be able to work with 20 people for the December Healing Intensive.

Register as soon as possible.

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