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Listen to Amma’s Healing Friends’ First Book

Your Chance to Listen to Amma’s Healing Friends Give Information on Their First Book:
Healing Issues which Begin in the Womb

You have the opportunity to listen/watch the unedited videos of what will soon be the first book in a series on healing. Light Technology, the publishers of The Sedona Journal of Emergence will be publishing these books.
Each of the 22 videos, plus 2 from Amma the Divine Mother, give you the opportunity for healing issues which began in the womb

Who Are Amma’s Healing Friends

If you work in the area of facilitating healing, wouldn’t you enjoy having high vibration beings giving you instruction to enhance what you do?

Being a former Catholic Sister, I am very familiar with Jesus and his healing ability. My prayer has been to heal as Jesus healed.

A couple of years ago, Amma the Divine Mother, the feminine aspect of God, introduced me to a group of beings who work with healing on a high vibration.

They’ve been teaching me amazing things. For instance, did you know there is a space between the layers of the aura where energy can get stuck?

I didn’t. I always saw the layers of the aura as inter-twined with each other. They are… and there is also this space, this gap.

Amma’s Healing Friends are now in the process of giving me information about healing. This will be an encyclopedia of information.

I invite you to hear the unedited messages from Amma’s Healing Friends on the power of healing issues which begin at birth.

Your Opportunity to Hear the Vibration of the Spoken Word

There’s a difference between listening to the message and reading the message.

When you listen, you hear the inflections in the voice and have a greater feel of the energy coming in. You get a better idea of what is being said simply because of the voice inflection.

Although these messages will be available in a book from the publishers of The Sedona Journal of Emergence, you have the opportunity to hear the messages from Amma’s Healing Friends “in the raw.”
The videos and audios are unedited. I didn’t even edit out when Frick and Frack, my dogs, were making noise.
The advantages of these messages:
  • The vibration of the energy of Amma’s Healing Friends come through Dr. Cathy’s voice and raises your vibration.
  • The healing in each session adds a deeper dimension combined with the vocal vibration of Amma’s Healing Friends
  • While listening to Amma’s Healing Friends, you are enfolded in their love and uplifted in mood and spirit
  • By listening to the words as channeled, you’ll be able to hear the emphasis of the words as love pours forth .

Special People Will “Self-select” for this Opportunity

I’m asking Amma to please send high vibration people to register for this opportunity. If you feel called to register for this series, I welcome you.

By doing so, you are helping to bring in spiritual teaching at a time when all is changing.

You’re also helping to pay for the website, transcription fees and other necessities I thank you with all my heart.

This is What You Will Receive

  • 22 messages from Amma’s Healing Friends
  • 2 messages from Amma.
  • The audio and video of each message.
  • Healing in each session.

My usual offering of appreciation is $47 per group session

22 Messages from Amiya $47 x 22 = $1034
2 Messages from Amma = $94

Total Value $1128

ONLY $99

Although there are no refunds due to this being a digital product, watch the video below to experience the energy of these videos.

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Some of What You’ll Learn in These 22 Messages

  • How ancestral wounds are passed down
  • The difference between ancestral energy and your DNA
  • Your birth parents’ emotions affected the developing you
  • Energy hiding in the structure of your DNA can hurt you
  • How to clear energy from your DNA
  • Whether you were wanted or not affects you now
  • How parents emotions impact you even now
  • How you can heal the wounds from birth issues
  • Step-by-step instructions on connecting with your Healing Team and requesting specific types of healing
  • Where fear of chocking originates
  • A powerful healing experience you can use for 9 days, 40 weeks or 9 months
  • How to heal birth issues over lifetimes
  • Healing the trauma of being born

In case you don’t know me

Hi, there. I’m Cathy Chapman.

People ask me how I went from being a Catholic Sister to someone working in the New Age arena. To make a long story short, it all began with the Catholic Charismatic movement, moved into energy healing and then progressed to the work I now do in the New Age field.

Most people wouldn’t know it, but the Charismatic movement and the New Age Movement have some strong similarities, two of which are healing and prophecy (channeling as it is called in the New Age realm). When I began to learn energy healing, I discovered an amazing world which challenged me and led to tremendous growth. This also led me out of the convent.

After a fascinating automobile accident in 2002 (if an accident can be fascinating), something happened to me. No, I didn’t have a near death experience. I didn’t even go to the hospital. Chiropractic adjustments took care of my physical body. I did, however, begin to have deep spiritual experiences. One of those was feeling an energy coming through me and wanting to speak.

This experience of a spiritual being wanting to come through me wasn’t new. I had the same feelings when I was in the Charismatic movement when I was praying in tongues. I just opened my mouth and words came out

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I am Amma the Divine Mother of the divine mothers and I am your mother.” From that point a beautiful relationship developed with the feminine aspect of God.

I have since channeled a number of beings as we’ve studied the Seven Sacred Rays of God. From here an Elohim came and asked me to bring through information on creating form.

my image spain
Dr. Cathy Chapman
I was a Social Worker for 35 + years working in the area of Mind-Body Psychology. (That’s what my doctorate is in.) In addition to two other psychology degrees, I have a Master’s degree in Theology.

Depression, anxiety, not feeling good enough can begin in the womb. Feel wrapped in Love as Amiya theaches you to heal these wounds.

In the last year, Amma the Divine Mother has challenged me to channeling a number of wonderful beings. Believe me when I say it has been an experience which has stretched me in many ways.

I rarely know what is going to be revealed. I may “hear” a word or phrase which gives me the topic. The full message is more expansive than what I expected.

How blessed I am!

The first book from Amma’s Healing Friends is now complete. You have the opportunity to hear their words and experience the vibration of their voice.

The book is filled with healing tools to assist you in healing wounds you didn’t know began at birth.

Won’t You Join Me?

  • 22 Messages from Amiya $47 x 22 = $1034
  • 2 Messages from Amma = $94
Total Value $1128

I do have one important Requirement if you wish to join me. Please do not share the recordings or transcripts with anyone. That wouldn’t be fair to those who have paid for this opportunity.

If there is a special need, simply contact me.
Begin Listening Today!