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Sales: Amiya-Energy Field

Learn about your Lesser Known Energy Structures, their role in your life and how to bring healing and balancing to them.

Hear Amma’s Healing Friends share information about the Human Energy Field as you’ve never heard it discussed before.
We’ve brought in information on Healing from Conception to Birth, the Aura, and the Chakras.
These books are now published.
Currently we are bringing in the informaiton about the lesser known energy structures.

Who Are Amma’s Healing Friends

When I was still in the convent as a Dominican Sister in Houston TX, my prayer was to heal as Jesus healed. After all, in Matthew 21:21, Jesus said (paraphrase) “With faith, you can do this and more.”

A couple of years ago, Amma the Divine Mother, the feminine aspect of God, introduced me to a group of beings who work with healing on a high vibration.

They’ve been teaching us amazing healing strategies.

In Encyclopedia of Healing: Conception to Birth they taught us about miasms (energy passed down from generation to generation) and held in the outer structure of the Double Helix of the DNA.

They taught us how to release these miasms as well energy connected to the egg and sperm which made you.

In The Encyclopedia of Healing: The Human Energy Field: Auras they told us that congested energy hid in the gaps between layers of the aura.

I never knew there were gaps, did you?

The last published book, The Encyclopedia of Healing: The Human Energy Field: Chakras,
we learned how each chakra contains every other chakra and this affects you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

In eavery book, in each session they gave us ways to heal and balance ourselves.

Now they are teaching us about the lesser known parts of the energy field such as:

Minor Chakras
Hara Line
Pranic Tube
Soul Star
Earth Star
Soul Seat
Tan Tien
Heart Healing Center
Using Geometric Holograms for healing
The Sword of Archangel Michael
And More (I don’t know what… yet)

Amma’s Healing Friends, who I call Amiya, are giving us an Encyclopedia of Healing.

I invite you to join me live, or listen to the recordings as Amiya (the nickname for Amma’s Healing Friends) delves deeply into the Human Energy Field.

There is always healing in each session!

Your Opportunity to Hear and Feel the Vibration of the Spoken Word

There’s a difference between listening to the message and reading the message.

I’ve been listening to these messages and transcribing them myself. Usually, someone else does the transcription and I edit from the spoken word to the “read” word.

When you listen to the messages, you hear the inflections in the voice and have a greater feel of the energy coming in. You get a better idea of what is being said simply because of the voice inflection.

You could say the voice helps you “listen between the lines.”

Although these messages will be available in a book from the publishers of The Sedona Journal of Emergence, you have the opportunity to hear the messages from Amma’s Healing Friends “in the raw.”

If you join the calls live, you’ll be able to participate in the parts which are not recorded but are fun.

You’ll also be able to ask questions.

The videos and audios are unedited. I didn’t even edit out when Frick and Frack, my dogs, were making noise.
The advantages of these messages:
  • The vibration of the energy of Amma’s Healing Friends come through Dr. Cathy’s (my) voice and raises your vibration and mine.
  • The healing in each session adds a deeper dimension combined with the vocal vibration of Amma’s Healing Friends.
  • You’ll learn parts of the human energy field you weren’t aware of
  • While listening to Amma’s Healing Friends, you are enfolded in their love and uplifted in mood and spirit
  • By listening to the words as channeled, you’ll be able to hear the emphasis of the words as love pours forth .

Special People Will “Self-select” for this Opportunity

I’m asking Amma to please send high vibration people to register for this opportunity. If you feel called to register for this series, I welcome you.

By doing so, you are helping to bring in spiritual teaching at a time when all is changing.

You’re also helping to pay for the website, transcription fees and other technical necessities. I thank you with all my heart.

Amiya (Amma’s Healing Friends) have been showing me more detailed information about the structure of the energy field.

The image on the left is of the aura, the energy surrounding the body. Each layer is produced by one of the chakras. The layers intertwine and there is a “gap” between the layers in which congested energy can hide.

You probably know there are layers to each chakra related to every other chakra. These layers are connected in a spiral. Tears in the spiral will inhibit the flow of energy.

You will learn how to work with your Healing Guides to balance and repair these structures.

This is What You Will Receive Monthly

  • Channeled Messages on Tuesday and Thursday mornings
  • Healing in each session.
  • The audio and video of each message.
  • Edited Transcript of Each Session
  • “Extra” information from Amiya which won’t be in the book.

My usual request is $47 per group session

You will receive:

2 Messages per week $47 x 2 = $94
4 Weeks per month = 4 x $94 = $376 TOTAL

Total Value per month is $376

(Due to travel schedule there may be months in which you will have fewer messages. You’ll always receive more than what you paid for.)

ONLY $44 per month

That’s a savings of $332 per month

Be sure this energy is for you. Watch the following video from the last series before you purchase. There are no refunds for your first month, although you may cancel after that month.

[s3vpp id=ea6f572ab690ae01c2770f1eefc21d3f]

Some of What You’ll Learn about the Energy Field

I asked Amma’s Healing Friends if they’d give a hint of what they’d cover. Excited minds want to know!
Information about the lesser know energy structures such as the:

Hara Line
Pranic Tube
Soul Star
Core Star
Soul Seat
Personal Individuation Point
Tan Tien
Heart Healing Center

In all of the past messages, Amiya has given us information about:

The structure
The purpose
Ways to repair and heal
And… takes us through the healing process

You will receive healing in each session.

In case you don’t know me

Hi, there. I’m Cathy Chapman.

I’m often asked how I went from being a Catholic Sister to someone working in the New Age arena. To make a long story short, it began with the Catholic Charismatic movement, moved into energy healing and then progressed to the work I now do in the New Age field.

Most people wouldn’t know it, but the Charismatic movement and the New Age Movement have some strong similarities, two of which are healing and prophecy (channeling as it is called in the New Age realm). When I began to learn energy healing, I discovered an amazing world which challenged me and led to tremendous growth. This also led me out of the convent.

After a fascinating automobile accident in 2002 (if an accident can be fascinating), something happened to me. No, I didn’t have a near death experience. I didn’t even go to the hospital. I began to feel an energy coming through me and wanting to speak.

This being identified herself as Amma the Divine Mother of the divine mothers. From that point a beautiful relationship developed with the feminine aspect of God.

Dr. Cathy Chapman
I was a Social Worker for 35 + years working in the area of Mind-Body Psychology and energy based healing

My goal is to provide the world with the information needed for each person to do their own self-healing each day.

The more we are healed, the less we will wound others.

The less we wound others, the happier the world will be.

Amiya, the group of beings known as Amma’s Healing Friends, will reveal information on the energy field unknown to many. Please, join us.

Won’t You Join Me?

For only $44 per month you receive a value of $343 each month

I do have one important Requirement if you wish to join me. Please do not share the recordings or transcripts with anyone. That wouldn’t be fair to those who have paid for this opportunity.

If there is a special need, simply contact me.
This is a monthly charge unless you contact me.