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EI Releasing Co-Dependency

Be Who You Are and Not Someone’s Idea of Who You Should Be

Release Co-Dependency
This Encodement Intensive Assists You in Accepting Your Magnificence and Establish Boundaries between You and Those Who Want You to Be Their Version of You and Not Your Best Version of You Truly Are

This Encodement Intensive Will:

Eliminate energies and pain preventing you from knowing who you are
Heal the pain which has you believing you have to be what other’s want
Remove from you the energy of other people who want you to be what they want you to be
Remove from you the energy of other people who want you to be what they want you to be
Release the past-life connections which have you bound to another
Strengthen your aura to keep others from draining energy from you
Remove hidden energy connections draining energy from you
Find and eliminate emotional implants clogging your chakras
Heal and balance wounds which have you bound to another in an unhealthy manner
Release the limiting beliefs which interfere with you being who you are
Install supportive beliefs strengthening your sense of self
When a Co-Dependent Drowns
Someone Else’s Life Flashes before Their Eyes
You’ve probably heard the word co-dependency for decades.
I’m going to give you a different description than you’ve probably heard.

When you’re co-dependent you’re doing one or more of the following:

  • Doing for others what they should be doing for themselves
  • Sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong
  • Preventing others from learning and experiencing what they need to for their personal growth
  • Paying more attention to others when you should be taking care of yourself
  • Focusing on the problems of others to avoid handling your own
  • Allowing yourself to be defined by someone else
  • Abdicating your personal power
Co-dependency is a painful situation. People who are co-dependent are so involved in the lives of those around them that the lose themselves.
Every have that happen to you?
Of course you have… unless you’re a narcissist or sociopath. In that case the world revolves around you.

A co-dependent does everything possible to get someone to do what they need to in life.

They enable people to stay the way they are (drunk, gambler, powerless and more) by forcing them to do things they should be doing for themselves.

I’m not talking about not taking care of someone who is truly incapacitated through illness or disability.

I’m talking about propping people up who need to find their inner strength and use it.

One of my therapy mentors said, “If you’re working harder than your client, you’re working too hard.”

The same is true for those you’re attempting to help.

If you’re doing more for their progress than they are doing for themselves, STOP! You’re causing more harm than good.

When You’re Draining Your Power, Your Energy and Feeling Resentful and Used, the Problem Is You and Your Lack of Boundaries, NOT the Other Person

It’s time to cut the energy bonds keeping you from yourself.

When you betray yourself by not being there FOR YOU, you have abdicated your primary responsibility which is your growth.

Monday July 8 at 5 PM Pacific/8 PM Eastern

All is recorded and transcribed

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We’ll balance energies from:
Other Lifetimes
Other Dimensions
Attached to your DNA
Religious Training
Family… and more
You’ll be clearer about what is your responsibility
and what it is not


OK… But How Will We Do This?
Encodements are your smallest energy structures. I will be guiding your Healing Team in repairing Damaged and Altered Natural Encodements as well as Removing Artificial Encodements… the ones that don’t belong in your Encodement System


MY Healing Guides will give me directions to give to YOUR Healing Team. Your Healing Team consists of your Soul Self, Bodysoul, Encodement Technicians, Soul Healing Angels, and Amma’s Healing Friends.

Your Healing Team Does More

Your Healing Team knows the complexities of what needs to happen for YOU. Everyone is different. Your Healing Team Personalizes my instructions to fit your needs. They are here to support you in healing what you wish to heal.

Healing Occurs Over Lifetimes

Your Healing Team searches for wounds which have occurred in any lifetime: Past, Present, Parallel, and Future. There is not time and all is happening NOW. As they heal the pain over lifetimes, you become stronger and have greater access to the wisdom you’ve accumulated.

Healing is Interdimensionl

Energies across lifetimes and across dimensions affect you. What is happening with you is also influenced by your Soul and Monadic Families. Your Healing Team makes it easy to balance and heal in all these ways.
Releasing Co-Dependency Will Help in All Areas of Your Life
When you accept that a situation or person is not your responsibility, you open yourself to amazing possibilities. You have the opportunity to choose the best path for you.


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