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Balancing for Empaths and Sensitives Pt2


Deeper Strengthening of Your Energy to Protect from Increasingly Intense Energies from Others

As the energies coming onto the planet intensify, more hidden low vibration energy is being released. People know change is happening and many are afraid. Fear is causing a great divide…. which produces more fear.

Empaths feel the fear of others more than anyone.

  • Working with the Elohim
  • Make adjustments to the brain and neurotransmiters
  • Work with the Endocrine System and hormones
  • Construct an energy structure to process low vibration energies
  • Assimilate what you need and release the rest

Even if you participated in the last Intensive for Empaths, this one will use new processes given to us by the Elohim!

Your Energy Field will be strengthened in such a way as to allow love vibrations to enter and repel fear, anger and other lower vibration energies from entering your field…
  • Avoid taking on the fear of others…
  • Avoid taking on the anger of others…
  • Protect yourself from “mob” energy…
  • Places a protective structure around you…





Spend 90 Minutes to Strengthen Your Energy Field and Integrate Love Energy

New ways to work with the Heart Source to strengthen your aura.

Amma guides and directs

Amma the Divine Mother is the feminine aspect of God. She and Abba, Father God, are the creative forces of The Universe. Amma shares with me strategies to assist you (and me, too) in handling the energies of the planet.

Works with your Encodements

Your Encodements are your smallest energy structures. They make up everything, even molecules. This workshop, called an Encodement Intensive, joins amazing Spiritual Beings to co-create with you the strengthening of your energy field.

A process you can use repeatedly

You will receive a transcript of the Intensive, as well as a recording. With these tools you will be able to repeat the Encodement Intensive as often as needed for a stronger energy field quickly and easily.

You work with the creative process

You will work with your Healing Team, Angels and Guides, Spiritual Support System and your Soul Self to co-create your energy field. You are an active part of the process while you allow your Healing Team to adjust your energy field.


How it works: Be Open, Listen, Allow, Implement

You don’t need to know anything… just allow.
There is much discord in the world. Technology allows you to be more connected to the emotions, thoughts and activities of others. You become more susceptible to taking on the energy of the fears, anxieties and and worries of others. This can cause discord in your own life.

After this Encodement Intensive you will be more able to be in the world but not caught up in the discord of the world.

You will:

  • Receive an additional energetic layer within the third layer of your aura.
  • Remove the energies of others which weaken you
  • Discover the power of your intention
  • Release low vibration energy which is attracting other low vibration energy
  • Learn properties of your aura most people don’t know
  • Energetic adjustments to limbic brain
  • Activate Encodements in Pre-frontal cortex
  • “Digest” energies which support you and “Eliminate” those you don’t need

Join live or listen to or watch the calls. All are powerful.

You can simply read the transcript if you wish.
Don’t worry if you can’t be on the call or you missed the call. You have access to:
~ Video

The work done is inter-dimensional.This means we address influences from this lifetime, other lifetimes and spiritual energies as well.

Even if you listened to this Encodement Intensive 100 years frrom now, it would still be in present time for you.

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The call is Saturday April 7, 2018

8:00 AM Pacific/11:00 AM Eastern


Register now to work with the Elohim and Filter out the Low Vibration Energy Released by Others

Everything is recorded. You won’t miss a thing if you aren’t with us Live.