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Intensive Healing Retreat

Everyone needs time for healing and relaxation. Isn’t now your time?

Intensive Healing Retreat in Sedona, AZ

September 30 – October 2, 2016 

Limited to 5 People
3 spaces left

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Come to Sedona to kick back, relax and receive both group and individual healing sessions.

You’ve been working hard.

Sometimes the stress has been tough.

If you don’t take some time for yourself you’ll feel like you’re going to explode. Perhaps you already feel that way.

Everyone needs time to let the stress fall away and to renew.

A group of women couldn’t come September 30 and asked if I’d do another Healing Weekend in October

Some women I know really wanted to come to the September 30 weekend.

The only problem was one of them had a prior commitment she couldn’t change. I offered to do another Healing Weekend if she could gather enough people for the weekend. She did and we’re coming together in mid-October.

That made space for three other people to come on September 30.

Here’s what will happen those three days…

Each person will receive an individual half-hour healing session with me each day. That means you will receive 3 30-minute healing sessions with me over the three days.

You’ll also receive two daily group healing sessions.

With three (3) individual sessions and 6 group healing sessions, you’ll be able to release layers of energy holding you back from being the person you want to be.

Here’s are schedule:

  1. You will begin the morning at 9:00 am with a group meditation and healing session.
  2. Sometime during the day you will have a personal 30-minute healing session with me. (If you’ve never had a healing session with me you will be amazed at what we can do in 30 minutes!)
  3. You will end the day with a group meditation and healing session.
  4. The rest of the day you will be on your own for meditation and reflection. You may hike, journal, swim or do other relaxing activities. You might even want to schedule a jeep tour to some of the vortex sites in the Sedona area.

I only have 3 spaces left. Please register as quickly as possible to reserve your space.

The offering of appreciation for this Healing Weekend is $497. Food, lodging and transportation is on your own.

You will need to arrive by September 29 and Leave October 3 or later… or you might want to come early or stay late and have more fun in Sedona.

To Register for this Healing Weekend click on the “Buy” button to the right. ÂÂ