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Primary Teachings

primary teaching image

Love Incarnate Imageb

Since December of 2003, I’ve channeled Amma the Divine Mother. Her message has always been about love. We were
created from love. We are love. We are love incarnate. As we live here on this wonderful planet, we are simply
exploring how to come back into the knowing that we are infinite beings, love incarnate. continue


Amma has often said in various ways that if we only did one thing to assist us in our lives, that
one thing would be living from the heart center. From our heart center we are able to stay centered and
grounded…  continue


Shortly before Amma began teaching about encodements, she showed us how to connect with the pillar
of light as well as how to use the sword of Michael the Archangel… continue


Encodements are basic energy structures that implement everything you planned for this lifetime.
Here you’ll find a series of short articles explaining encodements and how to work with them. continue


Amma has given 12 Steps for spiritual growth. Some are daily, weekly and monthly. You may find
these steps helpful for your growth. continue 
